GRINDSTED® Pectin CF 120 Premium

1 of 3 products in this brand
GRINDSTED® Pectin CF 120 Premium enables low-sugar, on-the-go vegan supplement gummies that remain appealing in their containers. Utilizing this pectin along with seaweed extracts, we create gelatin-free products that deliver an excellent sensory experience and optimal chewability, ensuring high-quality gummies for both adults and children.

Ingredient Name: Pectin

Dosage Form: Gummies

Ingredient Origin: Plant Origin

Labeling Claims: Clean Label, Gelatin-free, Halal, Kosher, Natural, Naturally Derived, Non-GMO, Organic, Plant-Based, Sugar-free, Sustainable, Vegan

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Benefit Claims (Health)
Labeling Claims
  • Rapid flavor release for superior consumer experience
  • Uniform gelling provides a clean-cut and shiny appearance
  • Enables a gummy that won’t stick to teeth
  • High heat stability improves tolerance to manufacturing, transport and ,consumption in warm climates
  • Low setting temperature
  • Proven effective at low-use levels 1 – 3 %
  • Optimized for consistent gummy properties
  • Approved Food Additive for use in Organic products
How GRINDSTED® Pectin Premium helps ?


Buffered GRINDSTED® Pectin CF 120 Premium allows better pH control for increased formulation flexibility.

GRINDSTED® Pectin CF 120 Premium is slow-setting high-ester pectins that have been standardized to specific gel strengths and setting temperatures for high solids, low pH applications such as gummies. This enables for a broader processing range and increased manufacturing flexibility without sacrificing quality.

GRINDSTED® Pectin CF 120 Premium has low sensitivity to divalent cations which reduces viscosity and setting temperature increases which reduces pre-gelation.




Applications & Uses