METHOCEL™ K100M Premium HPMC - Specialty

1 of 40 products in this brand
METHOCEL™ K100M Premium HPMC - Specialty is employed in ceramics as a binder, utilizing granulation in its manufacturing process. Within pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, it serves as a suspension aid, thickener, and viscosity modifier, boasting water solubility for versatile application.

Functions: Binder, Processing Aid, Thickener

Chemical Family: Cellulose & Cellulosics, Cellulose Ethers

End Uses: Ceramics

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Enhanced TDS

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Soluble In
Microbiological Values
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
E. coli*Absent/gCE-92.1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa*Absent/1gCE-92.1
Staphylococcus aureus*Absent/gCE-92.1
Yeast and Mold Count*max. 100/gCE-92.1
Total Plate Count*max. 100/gCE-92.1
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Hydroxypropoxyl Content*7.0 - 12.0%CE-91.25
Methoxyl Content*19.0 - 24.0%CE-91.25
Methanol Content (PPM, Residual Solvents)max. 3,000mg/KgPSM 101832
Propylene Glycol*0.1%-
Dipropylene Glycol*0.1%-
Tripropylene Glycol*0.1%-
Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether*0.1%-
Tripropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether*0.1%-
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Opalescence*Pass-Current EP Opalescence
Color Evaluation*Pass-Current EP Solution Color
pH (at 2% solution)*5.0 - 8.0-Current USP/EP/JP
Identification*Pass-Current USP/EP/JP
Sulfated Ash Content*max. 1.5%CE-91.34
Moisture Content (Loss on Drying)*max. 5.0%CE-7.1
Viscosity (Brookfield, at 2%)*75,000 - 140,000mPa.sPSM 102400
Viscosity (Brookfield, at 2%, Target)*100000mPa.s-
Heavy Metals
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Heavy Metals (as Lead)*max. 20mg/KgCE-93.1

*NF and Ph. Eur. ID tests; “A” and “B” on a quarterly basis. ID tests “C” (NF and Ph. Eur.) and “D” (Ph.Eur.) will be completed by exception only.

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