Protanal® PH - 6160

1 of 28 products in this brand
Protanal® PH - 6160 is a versatile ingredient suitable for various applications. This powder is swage-sludge-free, ensuring purity and safety. In pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, it serves as a controlled-release agent, gelling agent, thickener, stabilizer, and antacid, offering multifunctional benefits.

Chemical Name: Sodium Alginate

Ingredient Name: Sodium Alginate

CAS Number: 9005-38-3

Labeling Claims: APE-free, Aflatoxin-free, Allergen-free, Aluminum-free, Animal Products-free, Antibiotics-free, Artificial Flavor-Free, BSE-free, Bactericide-free, Barium-free, Bisphenol A-free, CMR Substances-free, Cadmium-free, Caffeine Free, Cobalt-free, Colorants-free, Copper-free, Dioxin-free, Endocrine Disruptor-free, Fungicide-free, GMO-free, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), Gluten-free, Glycerin-free, Gold-Free, Halal, Herbicide-free, Hormones-free, Impurities-free, Irradiation-free, Kosher, Latex-free, Melamine-free, Mercury-Free, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-free, Mycotoxins-free, NPE-free, Nanomaterials-free, Natural Latex Rubber-Free, No Artificial Sweeteners, Non-GMO, Odor-free, PAH-free, PFAS-Free, PFOA-free, PFOS-free, PHO (Partially Hydrogenated Oil)-Free, PVC-free, Palm Oil-free, Paraben-free, Pareve, Perfluorocarbon (PFC)-free, Pesticide-free, Phthalates-free, Plasticizer-free, Potassium-free, Preservative-free, Propylene Glycol-free, Quaternary Ammonium Salt-Free, Radioactive-free, Residual Solvent -Free, Solvent-free, Steroids Free, Sugar-free, TSE-free, Tin-free, Tributyltin (TBT) - Free, Vegetarian

Certifications & Compliance: British Pharmacopeia (BP), Doping-Free, EC No. 2023/2006, EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Compliant, EU Packaging Directive (94/62/EC), EXCiPACT, European Pharmacopeia (Ph. Eur.), European Regulation 396/2005/EC, FCC Compliant, FDA 21 CFR 117, FDA Compliant, FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), FFDCA, FSSC 22000, GMP, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), IFRA Compliant, ISO 14001, ISO 9000, ISO 9001, JECFA (FAO/WHO), Japan Pharmacopeia (JP), Kosher, National Formulary (NF), Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 (PIM), Regulation (EU) No. 1829/2003, Regulation (EU) No. 1830/2003, Regulation (EU) No. 1935/2004, Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012, United States Pharmacopeia (USP), cGMP

Chemical Inventories: AICS (Australia), DSL (Canada), ECL (Korea), ENCS (Japan), IECSC (China), NDSL (Canada), PICCS (Phillipines)

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Loss on Drying7 - 15%SOM 1
Viscosity (at 1%)1000 - 1500mPa.sSOM 82Q
pH (at 1%)6.4 - 8.0-SOM 6
Particle Size (through 250 micron)min. 98%SOM 106
Particle Size (through 180 micron)min. 91%SOM 106
Ash Content (at 800°C, on dry matter)18.0 - 27.0%SOM 8C
Sodium Alginate Content (Assay)90.8 - 106%SOM 2F
Powder Color56 - 76-SOM 105
Identification*Passes Tests-SOM 44
Microbiological Values
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Total Viable Mesophilic Aerobic Countmax. 200cfu/g201C (EP), Usp
Yeast and Mold Countmax. 100cfu/g203A (EP)
SalmonellaAbsent/25g205 (EP)
Staphlococcus aureusAbsent/0.5g206 (EP)
E. coliAbsent/25g204 (EP)
Pseudomonas aeruginosaAbsent/0.5g207 (EP)
ColiformNegativeMPN204 (EP)
Heavy Metals
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Lead Contentmax. 5ppm22
Arsenic Contentmax. 1.5ppm22

*NF and Ph. Eur. ID tests; “A” and “B” on a quarterly basis. ID tests “C” (NF and Ph. Eur.) and “D” (Ph. Eur.) will be completed by exception only.

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
1 year
Storage and Shelf Life Conditions

Recommended store at cool and dry conditions. Keep containers sealed as material is hygroscopic. One year from date of manufacture, if storage conditions stated above are observed.