Protaweld® S 200 - Specialty

1 of 5 products in this brand
Protaweld® S 200 - Specialty essential for welding electrodes, boasts sodium alginate and sucrose. Recognised for stability, it ensures efficient welding operations. Available in powder form, it facilitates easy integration into various welding applications, providing robust performance and reliability to welding professionals.

Chemical Family: Alginates

End Uses: Welding Electrodes

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Loss on Dryingmax. 15%2081.0
pH7.0 - 8.0-2070
Viscosity300 - 500mPa.s2170A
Particle Size (through 200 mesh, BS)min. 95%2221J
Particle Size (through 100 mesh)min. 100%2221H
Sulphated Ash Content25.0 - 30.0%2098A
Silicon Oxide Content9.5 - 13.0%2721C
Potassium Oxide Contentmax. 1.00-2722C

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
2 years
Storage and Shelf Life Conditions

Store in a cool, dry location. Re-evaluation date is 2 years from date of manufacture, if storage conditions stated above are observed.