Scogin® HV - Specialty

1 of 6 products in this brand
Scogin® HV - Specialty stands out as a versatile additive with excellent film-forming properties. It serves as both a gelling agent and a thickener, ensuring optimal performance in various applications. Available in white or yellow powder forms, it exhibits cold-water solubility, enhancing its versatility in formulation processes.

Ingredient Name: Sodium Alginate

Chemical Family: Alginates

Labeling Claims: Natural, Naturally Derived, Odor-free, Sustainable

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
CASE Ingredients Features
Industrial Additives Features

Applications & Uses


Color (Properties)
Physical Form
Soluble In
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Loss on Dryingmax. 15%2081.0
pH6.0 - 8.0-2070.0
Viscosity (at 1%, 25°C)700 - 900mPa.s2160
Particle Size (through 18 mesh, BS)min. 100%2221
Particle Size (through 25 mesh, BS)min. 96%2221

Regulatory & Compliance

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
2 years
Storage and Shelf Life Conditions

Two years from date of manufacture shown on product label. This applies to unopened packages stored under dry (no free moisture) and cool conditions.