SeaGel® CAP 203 consisting of Hydroxypropyl Starch, is primarily designed for capsule applications. It boasts food ingredient features such as being easy to use, film-forming, heat-stable, high-quality, and pH neutral, all in a convenient powder form.

Chemical Name: Carrageenan, Hydroxypropyl Starch

Functions: Encapsulant

Labeling Claims: APE-free, Aluminum-free, Animal Products-free, Antibiotics-free, BSE-free, Bisphenol A-free, Caffeine Free, Colorants-free, Dioxin-free, Dye Free, Endocrine Disruptor-free, Environmentally Friendly, GMO-free, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), Glycerin-free, Halal, Hormones-free, Kosher, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-free, Natural, Natural Latex Rubber-Free, Naturally Derived, Nitrosamines-free, Non-GMO, PAH-free, PFAS-Free, PFOS-free, PHO (Partially Hydrogenated Oil)-Free, PVC-free, Palm Oil-free, Paraben-free, Pareve, Perfluorooctanoic Acid-free, Pesticide-free, Phthalates-free, Plasticizer-free, Preservative-free, Sugar-free, Sustainable, TSE-free, Tributyl Tin Compounds-Free, Triphenyl Tin Compounds-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian

Certifications & Compliance: Directive 1333/2008/EC, Directive 396/2005/EC, Doping-Free, EC No.1907/2006, EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Compliant, European Commission Decision 97/534/EC, European Regulation 396/2005/EC, FDA 21 CFR 177.1520, FDA 21 CFR 179.26, FDA 7 CFR 205.605, FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), FSSC 22000, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), Halal, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), IFRA Compliant, ISO 9001, Orthodox Union Kosher, Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011, Regulation (EU) No. 1272/2008, Regulation (EU) No. 1829/2003, Regulation (EU) No. 1830/2003, Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012, cGMP

Dosage Form: Capsules

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    IFF Capsules Dosage Forms Application Brochure


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    IFF Pharma Solutions Portfolio Brochure


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    IFF Softgel Portfolio Brochure


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    SeaGel® Product Brochure


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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
Chemical Name
Ingredient Name
Ingredient Origin
Pharma & Nutraceuticals Functions

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Moisture Content (Loss on Drying)max. 12.5%10001
pH (at 3% solution)7.5 - 10.0-10105
Water Viscosity (at 3.0%)30 - 70mPa.s93001
Particle Size (through USSS 75 um, series #200)min. 34%10206
Microbiological Values
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Aerobic Plate Countmax. 2500cfu/g40001.0
SalmonellaNot Detected/25g40104.0
Yeast and Mold Countmax. 100cfu/g40203
E. coli (D=2.55S⁻¹)Not Detected/10g40302
Staphylococcus aureusNot Detected/g40401

Regulatory & Compliance

Technical Details & Test Data

Nutritional Information
Typical Nutrient Information/100g
  US EU/Australia/NZ

289 Cal/ 1206 kJoules

Calories from Fat 5 Cal 5 Cal
Total Fat 0.5 g 0.5 g
Saturated Fat 0 g 0 g
Trans-Fat 0 g 0 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0 g 0 g
Monounsaturated Fat 0g 0 g
Cholesterol 0mg 0 mg
Sodium 2243 mg 2243 mg
Salt - g 5.61 g
Potassium 174 mg 174 mg
Total Carbohydrate 80 g 61 g
Sugars (Total) 0g 0 g
Added Sugars 0 g 0 g
Starch 61 g 61 g
Total Dietary Fiber 0 g 19 g
Dietary Fiber (Soluble) 0g 19 g
Dietary Fiber (Insoluble) 0g 0 g
Protein 0.5 g 0.5 g
Vitamin A 0 mcg 0 mcg
Vitamin C 0 mg 0 mg
Vitamin D 0 mcg 0 mcg
Calcium 72 mg 72 mg
Iron 0 mg 0 mg
Magnesium 12 mg 12 mg
Moisture 12 g 12 g
Ash 7 g 7 g
Organic acid - g 0 g

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type