- Chemical Name:Carrageenan
- Functions:Encapsulant, Controlled Release Agent
- Labeling Claims:Organic, Paraben-free, Phthalates-free, Tributyl Tin Compounds-Free, Triphenyl Tin Compounds-Free, Non-GMO, Dye Free, GMO-free, Endocrine Disruptor-free, Natural Latex Rubber-Free, PVC-free, Pesticide-free, Glycerin-free, Colorants-free, PHO (Partially Hydrogenated Oil)-Free, BSE-free, Environmentally Friendly, Natural, Aluminum-free, PAH-free, TSE-free, Sustainable, Caffeine Free, Vegan, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-free, Palm Oil-free, Dioxin-free, APE-free, Preservative-free, Kosher, Bisphenol A-free, Sugar-free, Hormones-free, Naturally Derived, PFAS-Free, Vegetarian, Perfluorooctanoic Acid-free, Nitrosamines-free, Antibiotics-free, Animal Products-free, Plasticizer-free, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), Halal, PFOS-free
- Certifications & Compliance:Directive 1333/2008/EC, Regulation (EU) No. 1829/2003, Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012, FDA 7 CFR 205.605, European Regulation 396/2005/EC, FSSC 22000, ISO 9001, cGMP, Halal, EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 Compliant, Doping-Free, Regulation (EU) No. 1272/2008, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), European Commission Decision 97/534/EC, FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), Regulation (EU) No. 1830/2003, Directive 396/2005/EC, FDA 21 CFR 177.1520, Orthodox Union Kosher, FDA 21 CFR 179.26, IFRA Compliant
- Dosage Form:Capsules
SeaGel® CAP - 101 ideal for capsules, utilizes encapsulation technology. It meets labeling claims like non-GMO, BSE-free, TSE-free, palm oil-free, glycerin-free, and endocrine disruptor-free, ensuring suitability for vegetarians. Its applications span food, nutrition, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals, serving in nutraceuticals, supplements, and oral drug delivery.